Monday, November 11, 2013

Field Journal

Within the chapter 17 of textbook, there is a description of a picture, which is “ The cropping of the image draws attention to the beach clothing rather than the model herself.” While looking at the picture, I truly understood the meaning of the description. The head and legs of the model were cropped out from he entire image. The whole focus is on the clothes.

Where is the focus? It is always the main issue of design. The function of advertisement is always making audiences remember these products, or even raise the desire of audiences to buy these products. A good advertisement would be the advertisement that makes audience wish to buy the certain product just by a peek. Nevertheless, nowadays, some of the focuses of design are set wrongly. Audiences of those images always get the wrong messages.

Even though the burger up there is so huge, I almost guarantee that no one look at the burger in the first peek. Plus the little blue joke as slogan on it, the design means so many things but the burger itself. Actually, Carl’s Jr should selling food rather than selling women. As a man, I’d like to say their advertisement is so sexy and wonderful. I could keep watching them non-stop. However, I wouldn’t remember what the burgers are after watching them. As a designer, I would rather set the focus on the burger if I were their designer.

Our textbook were making a good point, designers of advertisement should really study on where to out the focus. Products or the sexy ladies?

Works Cited
Meggs, Philip B., Purvis, Alston W., Meggs History of Graphic Design: Fifth Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print.

Advertisements of Carl’s Jr

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